Thursday, December 17, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Curt pointed out that I haven't updated this since we went to Florida so here's a quick one (sorry no pictures). :-)

1. I decided it's a great thing that my kids are now teenagers and our house has a lot of rooms...After being snowed in for 3 days we all found our happy spots in the house and made it out alive. I really don't know how you moms of younger kids survived, my hats off to you!

2. Winter may have started but my workaholic hubby hasn't figured out that winter is supposed to be his slower time. But then if he'd be home more we'd probably drive each other nuts.

3. 36 days 14 hours 24 minutes until we leave for our cruise with the kids and their friends. Not that we're counting!

4. Life is crazy busy getting ready for our huge church event, Night in Bethlehem, volunteering at the PATTH boutique (my Honduras fundraising gift shop) shopping for presents and oh yeah trying to fit work into that :-) but I still love Christmas and can't wait to spend time with all our families.

5. Merry Christmas to all of you!!!